Aurora Expeditions Blog

Sound vs Fjord – What’s The Difference?

Fjord. Sound. The words alone conjure images of majestic, untamed landscapes: dazzling mountain reflections gleaming in deep, placid waters far …

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Aurora Team Get Their Hands Dirty In The Name Of Conservation

The Aurora Expeditions office team joined Conservation Volunteers Australia at Cronulla last month for a day of ‘Hard Yakka’. Swapping …

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Antarctic Weather Patterns: What will the weather be like on my cruise?

Each year, we take parties of excited people to see the Antarctic Peninsula’s famous tourist attractions. Aboard our purpose-built expedition ships, …

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What Is The Life Cycle Of An Iceberg?

On an Aurora Expeditions cruise around the Antarctic Peninsula, you will see a variety of landscapes. During the warmer months, …

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Learn More About Halley VI Research Station In Antarctica

On the surface, Antarctica might seem like a frozen, desolate place supporting only a handful of animals among the icy …

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Antarctic Seasons By Month: A Guide To The Wilderness

In Australia, our seasons are pretty well defined. During the summer, the soaring temperatures make for great beach weather, while …

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Top Natural Attractions & Marvels Of Ecuador

Tucked away on the west coast of South America, the nation of Ecuador has a surprising wealth of natural beauty …

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Life In Antarctica: Spotting Penguin Behaviour Through Different Seasons

Entirely flightless and seen mostly in the lower reaches of the Southern Hemisphere, penguins are some of the most easily …

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3 Of Patagonia’s Top Mountain Peaks

“The mountains are calling and I must go.” John Muir Mountains have always captured the imagination of intrepid travellers and …

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Hot And Cold: How Many Active Volcanoes Are There In Antarctica?

Look beyond the ice. Take a deep dive into the geology and geography of Antarctica, and you’ll discover the continent …

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Discovering Svalbard’s Global Seed Vault

On Aurora Expeditions’ Arctic Complete tour, you’ll sail off on the Polar Pioneer for the awe-inspiring vistas of Spitsbergen, Greenland and …

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What Is A Glacier?’ With Glaciologist Heidi Sevestre

Glaciologist and expedition staff member Heidi Sevestre travelled with us on our 2016 European Arctic season, sharing her passion for …

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How Was Antarctica Formed?

Antarctica as we know it was formed roughly 34 million years ago, when the continent was enveloped by the massive …

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Cruising Norway’s Fjords: A Travel Guide

Tucked away on the fringe of the Arctic Circle, the dramatic landscapes of Norway draw travellers from around the world, …

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Aurora Sponsors Australian Geographic Society Awards

Aurora Expeditions will again be a main sponsor of the Australian Geographic Society awards next week, presenting the ‘Adventurer of …

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Humpback Whale Facts

Whales are truly fascinating creatures. These majestic mammals are capable of growing to truly magnificent sizes, often far surpassing any …

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Scoresbysund, Greenland – The World’s Largest Fjord System

Up to 350km long and 600m deep – Scoresbysund isn’t your typical fjord. As a highlight of all our East Greenland voyages, Scoresbysund …

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6 Reasons For Crossing The Arctic Circle

As one of the world’s most remote, fascinating locations, the Arctic Circle is not your ordinary travel destination. Populated by …

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Antarctica Facts By The Numbers

Antarctica is a truly remarkable continent. While it is unlike any other landmass in the world, what is occurring in …

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Antarctic Tourism Talks In Chile

Aurora Expeditions has been a major contributor during important talks in Chile this month to discuss the country’s tourism development …

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New Tree Frog Dicovered At Mashpi Lodge, Ecuador

A new inhabitant of the Mashpi Reserve in heart of the Equatorial Chocó Bio-Region has been recently added to the already-diverse …

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Exploring The History And Future Of Antarctica With Dr Paul Willis

What makes a journey with Aurora Expeditions so unique is that you share your experience with our on-board team of …

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Celebrate The 100-Year Anniversary Of US National Parks On An Alaskan Cruise!

The US National Park Service will turn 100 this year on August 25, 2016. Celebrate by exploring these beautiful parks …

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